The new European University

EU Funding Approved:

The UNINOVIS alliance members are thrilled to announce that our joint application has been funded as part of the European University initiative! A kick-off meeting with all UNINOVIS partner universities is scheduled to take place in Paris from January 22 to January 24, 2025. Preparations are already underway for an inspiring start to our collaboration. We will keep you updated on further developments!

Learn more in the press releases and publications from our alliance members:

EU Funding Approved: UNINOVIS Takes Off!

Data for L.I.F.E.

Data has been called the new uranium, which can be used for better or worse. Like uranium, data is valuable and must be treated with care and diligence. This is a new opportunity for European excellence, so that current and future stakeholders can understand, use and protect data, through policy, development and business strategies.

The overall objective of UNINOVIS - Data for L.I.F.E. is to build up an alliance of seven higher education institutions, distributed all over Europe. The alliance wants to combine its expertise to strongly improve capacities and skills to understand, analyse, manage, use and safeguard data in the EU. Above all, the focus on data and the promotion of competencies for its professional handling are unique and thus contribute to Europe's major challenges in the 21st century.

We are:
Dedicated European
Academic Partners

  • University Sorbonne - Paris Nord - France (USPN)
  • Technical University of Applied Sciences - Würzburg-Schweinfurt - Germany (THWS)
  • University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli - Caserta - Italy (UDCLV)
  • University of Applied Sciences - Tampere - Finland (TAMK)
  • University of Applied Sciences - Kaunas - Lithuania (KUAS)
  • University of Malaga - Spain (UMA)
  • University of Tirana - Albania (UT)

All members of UNINOVIS are public Universities and have in common to serve public interest, and wish to offer European students, teachers, researchers, citizens, workers, companies, NGOs, public national and international institutions, a comprehensive academic network, aiming to establish a European University by the year 2027.

Collaborative activities and joint initiatives of the UNINOVIS members:

The UNINOVIS members have been actively engaged in various forms of bi- and multilateral cooperation activities.

  • Erasmus+ agreements and joint application for the mobility projects KA131 and KA171
  • Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership (KA220) proposal “Personal Green Skills in Higher Education (PeGSinHE)” (lead by KUAS, with the participation of TAMK, THWS and UMA)
  • Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership (KA220) proposal on 3D tools working with autism (KUAS and TAMK participating)
  • Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership (KA220) proposal in the area of Physiotherapy and Dietetics (KUAS and UMA participating)
  • Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education proposal on creating safe learning spaces in HEIs for Ukrainian students and staff (lead by KUAS, with the participation of TAMK)
  • Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education proposal (lead by UMA, with the participation of several UNINOVIS members)
  • Horizon Europe proposal for the call “Excellence Hubs (HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-07)” (lead by UT, with the participation of TAMK and THWS)
  • Extension of the double degree agreement between the Bachelor’s programmes Data Analytics (UDCLV) and Licence Informatique (USPN)
  • Workshop “IoT platforms for indoor air quality study” (organised by L2TI (USPN) and YPYCyT (Mexico), with the participation of KUAS, TAMK, UDCLV, UMA and UT)
  • Blended Intensive Programme “IoT Data and technology Evolution for sustainAble smart Life (IDEAL)” (organised by USPN with the participation of KUAS, TAMK, UDCLV, UMA and UT)
  • Delegation trip to KUAS during the International Week by TAMK and THWS


UNINOVIS Image film

Our Long-Term Goals


The purpose of UNINOVIS is to create a strong and durable alliance of European Universities, fully operational by the year 2027. In particular, we are pursuing four main goals, which together form the acronym L.I.F.E. in the alliance’s name UNINOVIS - Data for L.I.F.E.:

1) L = Lifelong learning in data: UNINOVIS aims at becoming the leading European University in learning how to understand, analyse, use, manage and safeguard data in all fields, from Medicine to the Bio-technologies, from Engineering to Linguistics, from Business to the Social Sciences, from Economics to the Humanities.

2) I = Integrate innovation ecosystems for collaborative education and interdisciplinary research around Data Sciences: UNINOVIS aims at becoming a lighthouse of higher education and research by stimulating modern pedagogies, innovations and partner integration to create and strengthen learning hubs in UNINOVIS partner countries, establishing a network of actively involved social and business actors.

3) F = Fostering green and digital transition for sustainability within the alliance and in European society at large: UNINOVIS aims at becoming a trans-European hub, reinforcing interactions between the UNINOVIS members, associated partners and European society by using smart and green digital solutions, supporting the green transition for collaborative research and learning applied to social needs and European policies.

4) E = European Excellence in understanding, analysing, using, managing and securing data: UNINOVIS aims at becoming a source of advanced Data Science competences and skills for current and future generations in support of a sustainable and inclusive European society.

In the long run, our ambition is to work tirelessly towards these common goals and make UNINOVIS the leading European University in Data Sciences with active and dynamic innovation ecosystems among the member universities and with strong ties to other regions of the world.